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episode two point two» the sting

Amber and Marsha's rowing escalates until the former zips off out of 23 Meteor St leaving a spare room in the landlady's flat that Mike is all too quickly occupying. Tim loses his job at Fantasy Bazaar after his Phantom Menace hang ups give Bilbo no other option than to fire him. Daisy runs well short on cash and, along with Tim, heads to the DSS. She has no joy but Tim lands a very familiar job but soon returns to his old stomping ground after a touching reconciliation with his previous boss. Marsha begins to plot the downfall of Brian's love affair with Twist and Daisy finally gets some temp work, although it's unclear how long it'll last… (FUCK OFF - Ed)

Part One

We join Meteor Street while it's still early. Everyone is still in the land of nod, peacefully dreaming away time until, with a gut wrenching smash a suitcase is hurled out of Marsha's front window. The burst of noise wakes all the other occupants up sharply, each thinking they're sorry, shot, blind or with a certain Miss Gellar. However, their dawn confusion is soon dissolved as they realise that noise can be only one thing… Amber.
They slip out just to see Amber whisk out of number 23 leaving them gob smacked on the doorstep as Marsha reveals the incredible truth…

Back in the flat, Daisy is trying to console Marsha with a story from her Eastern adventures. She tells of a brave young girl who takes the place of her crippled father in a war that she turns the tide of… Mike strangely knows her too, but then Mulan was a popular film (even if Eddie Murphy's made two better ones). Anyway, Daisy suggests that Amber is probably just trying to 'see her real reflection' but Marsha wants the comfort of a bottle. In fact, Marsha isn't even that worried about her errant kid, well why should she be if she knows three languages and has a Dutch cap?

Over in Fantasy Bazaar, Tim is earning his money by explaining why he won't serve a customer and he doesn't even care how long it's taken him to save up all his money. However, Bilbo overhears Tim's aggressively zealous tirade and calls him into his 'office'. After offering him a twiglet, Bilbo goes on to explain how he was once like how Tim is now, scraggy in beard and full of beans and spunk. There was a time when he hit his dad for even suggesting that Hawk the Slayer was rubbish. Bilbo thinks that Tim should leave all his Episode 1 hang ups behind him but how can Tim do that, especially when even the Ewoks were better than JarJar… can you dig it? But, you have to move on and Tim's obsession in TPM has pushed him over the edge and out of a job. He runs from the shop, crying like a girl…

Daisy is busy looking for any loose change just as Mike is off to work. She asks if Mike has any money and then pushes it a little further by suggesting he stole hers. However, the moment soon passes and Mike is soon at the door. Daisy asks him to tell her what his job is but he says he'd have to kill her if he did… and it's not even a secret.
As the Mike opens the flat door, he show's respec' to the waiting Brian who comes in to speak to Daisy. He explains that he's lost his painting skills and he's tried to approach the problem in so many ways. In the natural lull that occurs in any Brian based conversation, Daisy tries to blag some money off of him too, going into more detail to explain that she needs money for the bus fare to the DSS office and her bank credit's…. well, not too healthy… She's also worried that the DSS will stop her money 'cause of her not letting them know she went on a 3month trip but Brian assures her that they're very, VERY reasonable people…

With a whirl of anger, Tim bursts back into the flat and goes mad in the corner. Daisy asks if he's ok and, fork in hand, he turns to explain that he's once again let his TPM hang ups ruin his life. Brian thinks it's a good time to leave and, as he does, Daisy gives him a letter that was delivered there by mistake. With a touching, erm, touch Brian tries to console Tim about losing his job and our hero does likewise about Brian's uncle…
Tim explains that Bilbo already has his replacement coming for an interview but Daisy tells him not to worry and that he should get out there into the world but Tim's scared… VERY scared…
Finally, Dais manages to convince Timbo that he should come to the Job Centre with her and that he shouldn't worry coz he's got at least one special talent…

Back in Brian's flat, we find him reading the letter from his mum. In it she explains that his Uncle Kevin died in his sleep… on the motorway. The aggression and fear and pain and anger well up in him and as they climax he paints…
Tim and Daisy arrive at the DSS and split up to go to their respective offices. Daisy is told by a really helpful assistant to fill out an AB form whilst Tim finds that his job officer is very sympathetic indeed…
Splicing back to Brian, his demonic painting is interrupted by the phone. It's Twist, offering him a night out and a day in, after Brian agrees to some washing of course. Ecstatic as he hangs up, Brian's face suddenly turns to confusion as his painting frenzy dies on the spot.

Back at the DSS, Daisy is having problems after she filled out a form Ab instead of AB. She explains away her absenteeism with a story about her being really ill and that she'd prove it with a doctor's certificate, only she lost it. The officer is suspicious and comes to the truth by slipping some Vietnamese into a conversation, Great Escape style…

Daisy can't believe her money's been stopped, but Tim's really happy because of how nicely he was treated. He tries to pass on this good feeling by reminding Dais that Mike's still bringing home the bacon for the flat. But, Marsha has other plans for our favourite Bank Holiday soldier…

Part Two

As Tim and Dais arrive back home, they ask Mike where he's going with his bulging sack. Mike explains that Marsha's offered him her spare room and he's accepted the position as lodger not only to finally get out of their hair but so he and Tim don't have to go out to use their walkie talkies…
Marsha comes down and they discuss Mike's move and Brian's blockage. Daisy explains that she is a little sad she never seemingly sees Twist anymore… but more upset that she does hear her…

After Mike leaves, Tim and Daisy agree that they will have to get any kind of job so they can get money to buy aspirational magazines. Daisy tells Tim that he doesn't HAVE to work because he's now signed on but Tim can't keep away from the smell of the ink and the taste of the biscuit. Tim says you have to make the best of your job, just like Mike who's shoe horning his military skills into lollipop patrols…

So, Tim goes to another Comic Shop, 'Silent Reading' where the owner, Derek, recognises Tim's TPM affliction but kindly takes him on anyway…
Daisy, meanwhile, goes to a temping agency where she explains she's equally at home in an office environment or a busy eatery… in other words, she's desperate.

In Marsha's flat, Mike is banging away in his room. The landlady goes to investigate and offers Mike, well, what she offered to Brian. She tells him to ask if he wants's anything, but only security is on Mike's mind…

Marsha slides down to see Brian. Even though he says that he's busy, Marsha goes inside and begins to explain Brian's unenviable dryness. Marsha suggests that Twit is the root of the problem as she makes him happy and, we all know, contentment is the enemy of invention…
Just as Marsha's wordage climaxes, she makes her excuses (those being about beans/guns/Murdoch) and goes back upstairs. Despairing at the fact his loved one might be hurting his career, Brian surges back into life and begins to paint once more…

Back in 'Silent Reading', Tim is taking his first steps into a wider world by civilly talking to people about a certain Mister "How Woood" Binks. However, Bilbo turns up and asks for some time alone with his old employee. Turns out that his new member of staff wasn't into the right stuff and seems Tim's answer is, well, on the answering machine…
Reunited with his mentor, Tim decides he can't wait to restart at Fantasy Bazaar so he gets sacked by slagging off Babylon 5…
Later that evening, Tim and Mike are (AY!) playing on the Playstation and, everything seems to be coming together… Tim's got his job back, Mike's got his own room, Brian's all artistic again and even Daisy got a job at a branch of 'Stones… though I wonder how long it'll last…

Copyright © Nick Lee 1999-2002.
Spaced is © Channel 4 Television.